Property (Selling)
Although it is rarely understood or known, one of the most common delays in the distribution of assets and the closure of a deceased persons Estate, is the liquidation or sale of the major asset (property).
Most people do not die with enough cash in the Estate to settle the financial wishes of their Will and therefore in order to distribute the financial aspects of the Estate to the various beneficiaries the property has to be sold.
Even the most simple of Estates can take 12-18 months to resolve and settle, before inheritance is realised and the Property by far can be the most stressful aspect of this process.
Selling property normally is one of the most stressful processes a family can undertake, along with marriage and divorce, so it stands to reason why it can be exacerbated during a time of grieving.
To help you understand the reasons behind such lengthy delays, please see the following;
The above is not an exhaustive list of reasons why Probate Property can take time to sell and in-turn cause the lengthy delays in settling Probate and the Estate, but these are the most common ones.
We work with many National Estate Agent and Auction Houses across the UK, who understand the need to hand hold our clients through the often daunting task of selling the property of a loved one in the quickest possible time for the most money and the least cost.
For more information on whether you should consider Estate Agents or an Auction House to sell your Probate Property, or a combination of both approaches, please click the following link for a guide to help you decide the best choice for you and your family… CLICK HERE
Alternatively, please call us to discuss how we may be able to help you so we can point you in the right direction…